Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Red Wedding Suits Wedding Colors-Purple & Red; Guys-black Suit, Red Shirt, Purple Tie; Girls, Purple Dresses Carring Red Flowers

Wedding colors-Purple & Red; Guys-black suit, red shirt, purple tie; Girls, purple dresses carring red flowers - red wedding suits

I (the bride) possiable ivory dress with purple accents, carring red and purple flowers. Groom-black suit, white shirt with endian purple / red. Is it possible or go?


Meggie Smalls said...

It sounds a bit far away, but if you love color, I'm sure you can run. Maybe add a neutral color to blend in black, for example .. And do not forget a Deep Purple in the flowers and deep red. Lights in my head, I think you are talking about red and purple. I think if you go with fantastic colors.
Congratulations on your marriage. What is the status?

david786 said...


lilyeliz... said...

Far! Choose red or purple. But not both. Only not.

Aliz said...

Purple only. Christmas is just around red.

Just trying to make it said...

the red shirt and purple is a NO! I might try a white shirt with red tie. The girls wear a red dress and purple, then with the focus ...

However .. purple and gold look awsome together. Ask the children to all wear black with purple / gold flowers. and girls are dressed in purple W / the same flowers ....

Lydia said...

Have the groomsmen wore white shirts with a tie or red or purple.

nicki said...

definitely viable. Red and purple are the colors complamentary. Congratulations!

xxhotie1... said...

Mabey you should get ur act pink dress with a lite lke ur and flowers and white roses º bridegroom is a good game should Briedis carring flowers white to red DTHE more! Men should be red

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